Outsourcing hits outdoor gear
It seems Bushnell acquired Michaels of Oregon and is sending the jobs overseas:
Michaels of Oregon is a leading manufacturer of hunting, shooting and law enforcement accessories. The company is headquartered in Oregon City, Oregon and has a plant in Meridian. It produces brand names like Uncle Mike's and Hoppes.
According a press release, Michaels of Oregon was acquired by Bushnell last August. It did not mention if employees would be let go, but workers we talked to say their jobs will now go oversees.
"We were promised we would not be outsourced and go oversees, and of course that is obviously not what is happening. We were told that yesterday they are outsourcing our product, they are going overseas," said employee Shane Martin.
It's shocking news for more than 200 employees who would like to continue making the companies products in Idaho.
I can't say this is much of a surprise, for Chinese and Russian products are coming in as a huge wave. I'm sad to see it happen but have no answers for the bigger issues.
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